As 2023 comes to a close, it's essential that we take time to reflect on our year and especially on our health. One area of health often neglected by people is oral health; yet its effects can have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing.
Area of Health That Can Be Impacted by Oral Health:
Heart Disease
Studies have established the correlation between gum disease and heart disease, likely through bacteria entering the bloodstream via gum disease-causing bacteria. This leads to buildup in the arterial walls, which ultimately results in heart disease. Not only can oral health impact heart health, studies have also established a connection between gum disease and liver disease.
Sleep Issues
Sleep is also a factor. Research shows that those suffering from sleep apnea are more likely to have gum disease, probably because breathing improperly while asleep leads to dry mouth, which increases the risk for gum disease. Illness and colds can likewise be tied to oral health. When we neglect our oral hygiene, our immune system becomes compromised, making us more susceptible to illnesses and infections. People with poor oral hygiene are more likely to contract pneumonia. Additionally, gum disease has been linked with diabetes.
Tongue Health and Throat Infections
Did you know that tongue health is closely connected with our overall throat health? A coated or yellowed tongue may indicate poor oral hygiene practices that lead to bad breath and even throat infections. But not all oral health problems are signals for other issues; rather, some may serve as symptoms themselves. Bleeding gums could be an early indicator of gingivitis or other gum diseases. Sensitive teeth could signal decay or recession of gum tissue. Bad breath could indicate poor oral hygiene practices as well as more serious conditions like acid reflux disease.
Memory Issues
While you may have heard of "brain fog," did you know it could be related to oral health? Studies have revealed that people living with gum disease are more likely to struggle with memory and cognitive function due to inflammation caused by gum disease resulting in oxidative stress that damages brain cells.
As we approach the end of 2023 and look ahead, let us not neglect oral health. It plays a pivotal role in many areas of wellbeing, from heart to brain health. So, by taking good care in maintaining our teeth and gums, we can safeguard our overall wellness and live fulfilling lives.
Holiday seasons are filled with fun, food, and family time, something we should cherish during this festive time of year! While celebrating is important, so should not neglect our oral health; sugary treats and acid-rich food can cause your teeth to decay more rapidly than usual. Make sure your dental and hygiene appointments remain scheduled, and don't skip dental treatments! Remember, oral and overall wellbeing are inextricably linked; so, this holiday season, make sure not to ignore dental issues! Celebrate in moderation, but don't forget your own teeth this season of festivities. So, have fun, but don't neglect your health.