6 Reasons You Should Consider Getting Dental Implants

Still undecided which dental treatment to choose to replace missing or damaged teeth? One option popular among Wing patients is dental implant as it creates a natural-looking, brand new smile. Here are more reasons you should consider getting dental implants.

1. Lasts long. With proper upkeep, dental implants can last a lifetime. You’ll still need to see your dentist regularly, though, for the periodic adjustments. But the best thing about it is you can enjoy your beautiful smile without going through drastic changes in your lifestyle. And since dental implants are durable, this means you also enjoy a return on your investment.

2. Gives you peace of mind. Now you no longer need to cover your mouth when you laugh or smile. You also need not worry about dental appliances in your mouth loosening or falling off. With dental implants, you can enjoy life and even do more each day.

3. Lets you maintain your natural face shape. When you have missing teeth, your face also appears sunken. With artificial teeth replacements, you can bring back the natural shape of your face and maintain it for the long term. It’s not just your smile that is improved, your face also appears healthier and more attractive.

4. Helps you prevent cavities. Did you know that artificial teeth or implant-restored crowns are cavity-resistant? With dental implants, your smile is no longer as vulnerable to tooth decay. However, this doesn’t mean that you can also forego regular dental hygiene habits. You still need to care for your replacement teeth the way you do for your natural teeth. And you also need to ensure you’re keeping up with your dental visits.

5. Keeps your jawbones strong. Your teeth keep your jawbones firm and strong. When you have missing teeth, the jawbone deteriorates and loses its firmness as well. This means that not replacing teeth and leaving the space empty for long does not only affect the appearance of your smile, it can as well cause other health issues.

6. Holds artificial teeth in place. You no longer have to feel conscious about your artificial teeth moving or clicking. You take your mind off your teeth and focus on creating moments instead. No more watching from the sidelines. You can get back in the game and do even better with renewed confidence. If you would like to know more about us, dental implants, give our office a call at today!